Monday 13 November 2017

Anxiety and Supanova

So this one is a little late, but that's nothing new. Anyway, Supanova was on the weekend and just like last year I went to this one too. However, this was the first time I had to go it alone (my brother decided not to go this time round) so facing this prospect given the way my anxiety was going this year was something of a problem. Now at this point I would have just skipped it, but that changed when I learned that CrikeyDave was going to be there. This artist was the one who I have commissioned a number of pieces from in the past and I really wanted to thank him personally for doing them for me, which I got to do (it was a very inspirational encounter, though I always feel like I make a fool of myself thanks to the anxiety).

The thing is, I have created a number of characters over the years, but I'm not a very good drawer and as such it is disheartening to not be able to draw these characters. So when someone does do that for you, it helps pick your spirits up and gives you that joy of finally seeing them in various poses and scenes. Yes, even if you commissioned it, it is still a great joy and a wonderful feeling as the artist is putting in great effort into bring a creation of yours to life. For that, I can never truly express my gratitude enough.

I admit, because of the anxiety I barely stayed for an hour and so had to go. I didn't bring my camera, but there were plenty of great Cosplayers and it's always great to see the effort that gets put in, but also seeing them just having fun with it (I hope to one day do something like it too). Unfortunately, the event was too much and by the end of the day I was crippled with stomach pain and a headache (the running side effects of this blasted condition) and ended up in bed.

Strangely, I was still smiling threw it all and not the general mask smile you put on to hide what your really feeling, but a genuine one. Thinking back, it was probably the most positive and inspiration day I've had in a while even with the negatives thrown in. These kind of days are rare, but when you get them, you tend to appreciate them much more. I'll leave it on that positive note.

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