Thursday 9 November 2017

Preview Pics

So while I'm still in the process of figuring out how to get decent pictures of the miniatures (you can see from these shots that I do have one out of the two planned lights working. Still having issues on how to get the best focus, so perhaps a light grey background could help as the white reflects too much light and makes it difficult to edit the photo right), I thought I'd just throw up a pic or two to show some things being worked on.

This classic Chaos Spawn has been sitting around for years and was a conversion done for my old Cult of Slannesh. It was originally just a light flesh colour with a purple ink wash and a pink tail with purple spots and looked really bad. I feel the fleshy look adds a more accurate feel to how I'd imagine they'd look (I threw in some blue blend to show its dedication to its new master, Tzeentch).

While still in the painting process, this is just one of the miniatures that has had a slight conversion to help add a more Skryre feel to this Skaven Blood Bowl player. I plan for a number of them to have mutations or tech conversions, with more mutation looks for the Goblin players on the team. I had thought of re-painting the team colours to have a darker purple, but have decided to just re-design the team icon/logo.

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