Thursday 30 November 2017

Little Nightmares DLC 2 - Looking into the Story (Spoilers)

So Little Nightmares has been one of those interesting games that has come out as of late and one of the things that has grabbed my interest in it is its story and lore. This game doesn't use vocal or written dialog to tell it, but more through visual clues and actions, which tends to require a bit more creativity to pull it off right. For me, this is one of those games that does it very well.

So why bring up this DLC then? Well, I have searched other playthroughs to see the reactions of a few Youtuber's upon seeing what I saw, yet so far no one I've watched has. I've certainly heard complaints about the lack of a new monster, but once you realize what this story is about, the one they chose makes more sense. The part I'm referring to takes place in the second last spot and involves the Nomes standing in front of a small furnace. Those I've watched tend to be confused by why this is there or what the connection is between the Nomes and the light/fire. However, if you look harder, the answer to this whole DLC is right in front of you.

This is what I love about such games, when the answers lay in front of you, yet it is set in such simple detail that you could easily miss it. The whole 'Nomes are the Maws child victims' was something that makes sense to me, mostly due to the way they act in the game. The monster being the Janitor also makes sense, as he was the main monster in the children's quarters and was responsible for bagging them and sending them to the kitchen area.

This kind of deep. yet simple story telling is something that tends to get missed by some in games, often playing the games through and expecting the story to be explained to them by the game itself in a straight forward manner, simply cause they don't want to waist time looking for details. I admit, I can understand where they are coming from as there have been a few games where I have become confused about the story, mostly due to some important detail I missed or wasn't put in, likely waiting for a sequel to explain it. That said, I feel this game is definitely one of those that does have good pay offs for those who spend just a little time looking around.

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