Friday 1 December 2017

Pig Painter

If there is one thing I've learned from painting Maurice's pig companion Wilma, is that painting pigs isn't as problematic as I thought. Actually, it is rather fun. All it requires is just the layering of more human flesh colours, before blending them in with a mixture of the first layer flesh paint watered down mixed with a red wash to add a sort or red/pink colour to darken it. This wash mix was done over the model once, with a second and possible third wash done over areas that were a little too bright to blend them in more (the lightness between the middle layer and the highlight layer tends to be much brighter with the paints I have). Flesh colour mixed with a redish colour is then added to the snout to help give it a darker touch. Now all I need is lots of mud.

Wilma so far, still needs some highlights and more mud work.

I am quite happy with how it's turning out so far and so naturally my attention has turned to looking at Ulix and having a pig focused crew, perhaps as a future project sometime next year. I do love the idea of doing a 25 Soul Stone henchman lead crew, with Old Major leading his pig crew of say two Wild Boars, one Swine-cursed (he's spent so much time in pig form he's now come to love it) and a Piglet.

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