Monday 25 December 2017

A look at The Midnight Stalker

So I got myself The Midnight Stalker miniature for my Outcast crew, purely based on how great the character looks (seriously, I'd love a costume like that). Oh course, I know nothing about the character or his rules, but from what I can tell he's a serial killer who has a code of conduct.

This is clearly shown in his rules. Respect for the Art states he cannot target enemy models if they have already activated that turn (probably wanting to give them a chance). That said, he has a nice counter as his Polite and Well-Mannered rule means if he has not yet activated, enemy models get a double negative to Attack duels targeting him. On top of his DF/WP of 6, means he is incredible difficult to attack if he has not activated, though he only has 6 wounds. So you have to decide do you activate him first or last in a turn.

He can ignore intervening models during his walk or charge actions, he gains fast when on his opponent's half of the board and to top it all off, at the beginning of each turn he heals all damage and can be placed within 8 inches of it's current position. On top of that he has a 0 tactical action that grants him a condition where if he deals damage that turn, anyone targeting him must pass a TN 14 WP duel or that action fails, but still cost the AP that was spent on it.

Finally, there is his combat. He has no range, but has a decent MI 6 attack with a 2 inch range and does decent damage with the ram critical strike trigger available (but not built in). He also has a 1 AP tactical action which adds an extra ram to the total for every enemy model it's engaged with, with it's own tomes trigger (not built in) which forces an enemy model that's within it's engagement range to take a TN 11 Horror duel, which could help keep others off his back.

Overall, I really love this characters rules and I look forward to eventually using him. As for the miniature, it was really good spur, making it easy to assemble compared to some other of Wyrd's products. Probably limited for a paint scheme, but I still look forward to working on him.

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