Saturday 9 December 2017

Health & Projects Update

Throwing out just a quick update on situations. Health is still bad, but at least I still have some support out there. Never realized just how bad the health system can be until you actually need it the most. Still, trying to stay positive, though have become a little over frustrated and paranoid as of late. Not sure if its just the situation or the medication, but we'll see what happens over the holiday period.

Now on to the more important stuff, the projects. As such, both Wilma and Maurice are now completed (completed feels inaccurate of a term, perhaps more like 'Well, I'm done"). I've also completed the Gremlin depleted one which I have now named Franky The Depleted, though he has earned the nickname of Mr. Tickles, mostly because of the tendril arms.

The Thalarian Queller is giving me more trouble though as there really isn't any full art of her that I could find and searching for completed models has lead to s single low res version, so I haven't much to go by in painting her and my frustration in doing so is through the roof. I want to finish her off so I can get right into the Jakob Lynch Brilliance crew. While I previously did finish the Hungering Darkness, I am thinking of repainting him as I feel purples are a better colour and using blues to highlight the energy effects might prove to be a better choice.

It's strange, but when I'm creating/converting characters, I feel odd. Not in a negative way, but certainly something that could be described as more positive. I'm not sure what to make of it.

Anyway, perhaps I'll get some shots uploaded soon. We'll see.

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