Friday 15 December 2017

So that's what I did wrong...

...and I feel very, very stupid for not figuring it out.

In my time doing photography I have learned much from online courses and Internet tutorials, so imagine my surprise today when I learned something new that I should have known a some time ago. It was actually from the most recent White Dwarf article which drew my attention on how to photograph miniatures, something I've been wanting to improve as it has been a frustrating problem I've been facing recently (one of the main reasons I haven't uploaded anything in a while).

See, it involves what they called the 'f-stop' and it was something I knew what it did, but had difficulty in using it, mostly cause I assumed it was automatic on my camera as I never found how to alter it. That ended today as not only did I learn more about it from the article, but found a short passage on a site that told me how to work it. Needless to say, this, along with the meeting I had today, has made it a positive day (despite the heat causing me to feel somewhat ill. Yeah, I live in Queensland, its Summer and I struggle with the heat. Fun times).

All I need is some slightly dimmer light bulbs for the two lamps I have and I believe I can start getting the miniatures photographed again (the bulbs I have a bright, great for green screening, not good for miniature photography).

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