Monday 25 December 2017

So......Malign Portents eh?

This is one of those cases where I don't know what to think or if I should say anything. Simply put, I feel like talking about it might hype myself up, only to be struck down by disappointment. What do I mean, well Games-Workshop is slowly showing off new miniatures for some upcoming Age of Sigmar product called Malign Portents. What is Malign Portents? Haven't a clue as it is extremely vague to the point I can't tell what kind of an event it will be, if you need to by a book just to use these miniatures or if they'll add them to a White Dwarf, let alone what it will be about. So why get interested then? Well, I'm liking the look at some of the new miniatures.

First of we have the Death factions character called the Knight of Shrouds, which while not matching my Skeleton/Vamp Bat theme Death forces, does really add to the style of many Death armies. Could see many Nighthaunt armies taking this one.

The next one they have up is the Darkoath Warqueen, who I just love as for a massive mortal force that has both male and female warriors, we rarely have female miniatures and I imagine the rules for this character will be fairly badass. I do feel like this is a miniature I could definitely add to my Chaos faction.

Now on to the final one they currently have up and this one I feel is simply amazing. The Fungoid Cave-Shaman is one of those miniatures I feel someone like my Glibbins character would have eventually evolve into. Perhaps I should re-consider doing a small AoS Skirmish force based around this guy (though am still disappointed that Squigs, Chiefs and Shamans from the Moonclan Grots were never added to Skirmish. That game really needs an expansion).

Overall, I do like these new miniatures. Whether I'll ever get any to paint is something else entirely, but they still look great.

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