Sunday 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017. Begone!

So within a few more hours 2017 will finally be over (well, in Australia at least) and good riddance I say. I know lots of people really bagged out 2016, but for me 2016 was not that bad. No, for me 2017 was one of the worst years I've had in a while and that is an understatement.

I won't deny that this year still had its good moments (I know I've done my best to talk about them previously on this site over all the negative things that have happened), but both my health and personal life have gone through hell this year (I'll spare you details) and to be honest, 2018 ain't looking much better, but I guess I can go into it in some vain 'hope for the best' attitude.

Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I hope you all have a Happy New Year and a great start to your 2018 year.

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