Tuesday 7 November 2017

Slowly Moving Forward

So another update. Health wise, it's very slow, nuff said there.

Projects are also slow, but moving at least. I am still waiting on parts to finish one of two Gremlin conversions, while the other still needs Green Stuff to complete. Same goes for one of my brother's Ten Thunders base constructions.

Age of Sigmar stuff has so far consisted of slowly re-basing five Skeletal Horse Archers, re-basing my ten rat Stormvermin squad I had from that one time I did them up and entered them in the Golden Daemon thing years ago, getting bases to re-base my two Heralds of Tzeentch and Flamers I did, looking into my old Chaos Ogres and turning them into Chaos Ogors and of course, taking that old Chaos Spawn of Slannesh I did a long time ago and updating it into one more suiting a fleshy creature of Chaos.

Perhaps over the next month or so I'll get around to getting photos of them and uploading them along with slowly working on both the Blog's visual update and those other projects I had planned a while back. It's been hard and I've realised that I am far more susceptible to things like panic attacks now, but I'm trying my best to slowly get things here back on track.

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