Wednesday 30 May 2012

Best Game Over Song EVER!!!

Strange Songs You Just Love

Just watch and enjoy, even if they seem a bit odd.

Monster Madness

Since the creation of the Chaos Arcane Fulcrum I've been thinking, where could I go from here? The responses I have gotten from the Fulcrum seem to give me the idea of creating a Great Chaos Spawn/Giant Spined Chaos Beast or even a Jabberslythe. I do want to craft a Crystal Devourer, a magic eating beast from one of my own story lines. Hmm....what other things could I create?

Monday 28 May 2012

Making Cake

My first attempt at making a cake formy sisters 9th birthday. I still need alot more practice.
Acursed icing dripped off the tower and into the small moat which ruinned the effect. That and one of the vines broke. Still, not bad for my first attempt.

Of Monsters and Magic

So the battle day on Saturday has been and gone and only now have I had the time to put up the results.

So, it was a multi-way battle with each starting player having one wizard, one fulcrum and two monsters. As the game progressed two other wizards joined the battle but they didn't last long.
Vordicon on his terrorifying Fulcrum, along with Shaggoth (the stores) and Slannesh spawn (one of my classinc miniatures).

My Brother Kris' force of High Elf Archmage (Lore of Fire) along with his Dragon (which we counted as an Emperor Dragon) and a Necrosphinx (stores) and his girlfriend Veronica's (forgive me if I spelt your name wrong) with her Bretonnia Prophetess (Lore of Life) with her Chimera and Thundertusk (stores).
So magic was a blast, with constant miscasts (thanks to Vordican sucessfully casting Pandimonium, it that what it's called?). There where plenty of Fulcrum hopping and wizards turning into frogs.
The Necrosphinx killed the Chimera with it's Heroic Killing Blow.
Thundertusk killed the Treeman Ancient.
Arachnarok killed the Thundertusk.
High Elf Archmage is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Emperor Dragon duels a Exaulted Greater Daemon of Khorne and wins.
Vordicon rolls a 11 for strength for Invisible Fire of Tzeentch, sucking the Dragon into the Realm of Chaos.
Shaggoth is killed by Comet.
Celestial Wizard miscasts and is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Spawn is killed by entering Amythist Wizard, who later miscasts and is sucked into the Realm of Chaos.
Vordicon blasts Hydra to ashes with Infernal Gateway.
Arachnarok killed Necrosphinx.
Vordican torches Arachnarok (I hate spiders) with Flickering Fire of Tzeentch.
By the end of the game only three wizards remained.
-Vordican (me)
-Bretonnian Prophetess (Veronica)
-Wood Elf Mage

We did a grand magic duel of which I won. Both enemy wizards took a Strength 10 hit but both save. We then thought of blasting each other with spells but I was the only one with real damage, so instead we just rolled off. Vordican and the Wood Elf rolled a 1 and the Prophetess rolled 2.

Bretonnia Win.

Although, with the Realm of Chaos claiming three wizards and an Emperor Dragon, I say Chaos is the real winner. Atleast those guys got to go party with Tzeentch. Responses to my Fulcrum were great with it being refered to as 'Discusting' and me being 'Disturbed' for creating it, which is exactly what I was hoping for.

Friday 25 May 2012

Arcane Fulcrums

Below are links to Arcane Fulcrum Projects:

Chaos Arcane Fulcrum:
The Challenge
WiP 1
WiP 2
WiP 3

Chaos Arcane Fulcrum Final

This is it, it's finally finished (and not a moment too soon, it's bloody 10pm and I'm tired). Sure it could have been better if I had spent more time on it, but given the recent events of the past week I believe it's as good as it'll get. So here we go - the Chaos Arcane Fulcrum.
I tried to have a chaos star on the top, but it didn't go well during sculpting. That said, I think the fiery paint scheme helps it still stand out without clashing with the flesh.
You can really tell the difference between No Camera Flash and with Camera Flash.
So there we have it. I wonder if Tzeentch would approve of such madness?

Empire Army Challenge Update Again

Finally acquired the Witch Hunter model to finish the 750pt Army Challenge. My only complaint is that every finecast model I purchase always has holes in them, which really makes me pine for the old metals. So with the last model obtained and the rest to be painted, there doesn't seem much point continuing collecting them.....or is there.

After much thought and some of the feedback I'm getting from the models that have been completed, I have decided to enter this army in Armies on Parade 2013. This gives me not only plenty of time to design and paint a proper display board (unlike the disaster that was the Skaven one of 2011), but also to add more miniatures to the army. Things like Archers/Huntsman, Pistoliers and even a Helstorm Rocket Battery all appeal to me and I really think I can pull this one off, although if I did win I can't be sure I'd make it to Games Day, but I would certainly try.

Pony Shirt Arrives

I ordered this one from Welovefine shortly after the contest winners were announced. I did vote for this one, though the other one I voted big for (A spike one based on 'Secret of my Excess' with a King Kong style theme) didn't win, pity as I liked it. Still, I'm happy at least one of the ones I liked made it.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Chaos Fulcrum Update 3

So bloody close and yet the blasted paint just doesn't dry fast enough. Oh well, base coated black, followed by flesh and stone base coats. The flesh (well, most of it anyway) was washed with red wash.
With the final pic you'll noticed to wash was a little too much and leaked down over the stone. After a short cursing I realized that this is an even better effect. Since a pillar of flesh has burst from the ground, this 'overflow' gives the effect that the pillar is actually bleeding all over the place. With only half a day to finish this Fulcrum, here's hoping tomorrow has more luck.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Storm Spear

So, it's obvious by now that I am a Brony, so it's even less surprising that I have made various OC's (original characters) for my own stories. Using the designer, I was able to make a base form for my main OC.
I present Storm Spear (minus cutie mark, scar and various clothing items - I imagine a hat and trench coat). Since I suck at drawing, I still wanted to bring this character to life. Once again I turned to the miniatures for help. The Storm of Magic rules for a Royal Unicorn meant I could not only paint a model to represent him in the Warhammer game, but that I could use him as a Scroll of Binding for my Warhammer Empire Army.
The freehand cutie mark (why do they call it that, I mean, surely the Stallions would prefer to call it a Branding or something) was a real pain as lighting is bad and I still wasn't a hundred percent sure on the colour scheme of it. Also note the base, as their is no real rules on 'Monstrous Beast' sizing, I consulted my local Games-Workshop store and we agreed that the 40mm base size would do for now (as he only came with a cavalry base). I imagine the image of this guy on the cliff edge in a raging storm, lightning flashing all around with some striking his horn, infusing him with power (ssimilar to the way the Shaggoths do I guess).
The scar was another focus I wanted to add and I think it actually turned out good, despite what these cruddy photos show. I also had hoped to add his glowing sprite companion (named Sparky), but after several failed attempts to create such a thing I gave up. Perhaps I'll add him later once I find a way to create such a thing.

There is also a Pegasus OC I also want to make, but considering the evil look and all the extras, that is one I'll have to do some serious converting. As for other Storm of Magic beasts to add to my Empire force, I do plan on taking a Rhinox model and do some slight converting to it and add it as a bit of punch to the army (where as Stormspear is more of a support roll). Perhaps I should look into an Amber Wizard to buff these guys.....

Chaos Fulcrum Update 2

Teeth and tentacles have now been added. This means that I can now begin painting it. I admit I did want to add gargoyles holding the platform, but since time is short and the pain I'm in is rather distracting, I feel painting the pillar as a fleshy substance may compensate for this.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nostalgia Critic

I found this when I was looking for some painting guide on Youtube and I gotta say, this guy is hilarious. His site ( has more such eps. Even if you don't agree with all he says, I do find this guy funny enough to pick me up from a depressive mood, which is always a good thing. Watch the clip and check out more.

TRB Shirt is in

Despite the pain and constant resting, it's good to know somethings going right. My order from has finally arrived.

Dentist Aftermath 2

Surprisingly very little pain now, but that bruising of the lip is really annoying. Seriously, I look like I was slammed into a wall or something.
Curse my small lower jaw, you have foiled my weekend plans again.

Monday 21 May 2012

Dentist Aftermath

That could of gone better. Turns out the tooth shattered while removing it and that part of it is fused to the jaw, so that means I will need to have it removed through hospital surgery. I also have to go back on Saturday to get referral, pay bill and have it checked on.......which is around the time the M&M battle at my Games-Workshop. So will this halt production on my Fulcrum? Not really. It'll slow me down slightly, but I do hope to have it finished for Saturday, even if I only get to display it.

Will update more tomorrow as the numbness is starting to wear off.

Chaos Fulcrum Update 1

Grrrr.....been up since 2am this morning with lower jaw pains...good thing I see the dentist this arvo to have a tooth remove. Since I had nothing better to do with my time (besides being in immense PAIN!!), I decided to do more painting and of course, work on the Fulcrum.

I had already produced the tower shape out of an empty Berroca case wrapped in foil and clay (both Air Dry and Fimo Clay) and since it had dried (both in oven and overnight), decided to start adding some of the detail. The flat base was a movement tray that the pillar was glued on to.
As you can see, only the rocky base and the eyes are done. The 'circles' are where the mouths will be and as yet I still have not added the tentacles/veins in. I may start on them tonight, but that all depends on  how the dentist appointment goes. If not, tomorrow.
Yes, I realize that the top looks like crap.I might try and alter it before I do the undercoating stage, which I should get to around Wednesday or Thursday.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Unicorn Arrives

Yep, the Unicorn model arrived. However, as I am using it as a Royal Unicorn in a Storm of Magic game, it counts as a Monstrous Beast. I felt the cavalry base that came with it didn't seem right. As such, I will mount it on a 40mm base, usually the size of things like Ogres and other three wound models.

I have also finish the Fulcrums base structure. Now the real detailing can begin.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Army Challenge Part 2

Time for another short update on the army challenge. This one is about two of the four wizard options I have planned.

Albert Riccardo
A Gold Wizard, a caster of the Lore of Metal. Albert Riccardo is made from the body of the wizard lord that came with the Celestial Hurricanum, the wizard head and staff head from the Empire wizard kit and an Iron Hawk familiar. The hand arm is actually the one that held the orb with the hand from the outstretched arm part.

As you can see, I'm not really a 'yellow' person, and have had alot of trouble painting robes for this guy. Worse is that there is no actual guide to paint a Gold Wizard anywhere on the net. I'm still not happy with the way this paint scheme came out but I don't really want to touch him up anymore for fear of stuffing it up further.

Herbert Von Scryder
Good old Von Scryder. The crazy Celestial Wizard (Lore of the Heavens) was an old model of mine who needed a good re-basing (wasn't going to risk a touch up of paint). To give him a bit more flair, he now travels the battlefield on a magical nebular cloud, which is made entirely of Green Stuff. As the theme is with all my Empire Wizards, he has been given a familiar. Being a little unhinged, I have gifted him with a Star Spangled Scarab.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Project Plans and Ideas

First up, my life's been a mess lately and has stuffed up the planned projects for Golden Demon, however I will try to get some entries for it done in the near future.

With that done, here is the current list of projects I am doing or have planned to do:

-Empire Halberdiers detachment
-Empire Swordman unit
-Empire Witch Hunter
-Empire Celestial Hurricanum
-Empire Jade Wizard
-Empire Grey Wizard
-Storm of Magic Royal Unicorn (based on my MLP OC - more on that later)
-Storm of Magic Rhinox
-Skaven Warlord on Rat-Ogre Bonebreaker
-Chaos Lord of Tzeentch on Daemonic Steed
-Chaos Herald of Tzeentch

Warhammer 40k:
-Freebooter Ork Warboss
-Dark Eldar Cronos Parasite Engine

So yeah, that's it. Admittedly, I'm not to worried about the Herald or the Parasite Engine as they aren't really important. Yet I feel something is missing. As such, if anyone has any ideas of projects they would like to see, then please feel free to suggest them.

Arcane Fulcrum Challenge Update

So I spent the morning in bed (somehow twisted my neck while I was sleeping) and didn't get much done this morning. When I finally did, it seems my plans for this Fulcrum were going to prove harder to construct then I thought and it was only after speaking with my brother this arvo that a new option was opened.

Apparently I completely forgot about Vordicon, my Tzeentch Chaos Warrior Sorceror. My Bro said I should use him instead of my Skaven one (he refers to my bad run of losses, given that the only group I've ever beaten was Brettonia). I then realized I could construct a new Fulcrum from modeling clay, a chaos one with tentacles, eyes and gaping maws all over. The more I thought about it, the more I liked this idea for a Fulcrum.

Of course, if I could complete most of the Celestial Hurricanum, I could technically use it with a Celestial Wizard Lord, but regardless of who I choose, I think I will stick to this Arcane Fulcrum Idea.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Dead Winter Short Review

Dead Winter by C.L.Werner, is the first book placing the events of the Black Plague. As described in the Skaven timeline the plague was created by Clan Pestilens who unleashed it on the Empire with devastating results. This book plays out the crumbling of the Empire and the rising of Poxmaster Puskab. Most of the Skaven section revolves around Puskab, while the rest of the events take place in four places in the Empire.

While it's all fine and well to show the devastation forming in the various regions of the Empire, I feel it may have been spread a bit too thin as at times I found it hard to image these effects (such as the rapidly dwindling population of Nuln) and some characters probably needed some better descriptions. That said, the Skaven parts seemed most appropriate (I loved the description of the Warpmaster Sythar Doom) and the events in Altdorf really bring the downfall of the Empire into effect, right up to the end of the book. Some of the best characters to hate I found in this book and I did enjoy reading it.

I'm hoping the next one gets the ball rolling with the Skaven actually invading the Empire.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Arcane Fulcrum Challenge

In just a few short weeks our local GW store is having a M&M challenge (Monsters & Magic) and as such they are asking people to bring monsters and wizards on fulcrums. Now as such, I don't really have any monsters (and I don't think my Celestial Hurricanum will be ready in time for use) so that leaves my just wizards.

The only real characters I can use is a Celestial Wizard Lord, Vampire Lord or Skith (aka Ikit Claw). Given that I don't have a fulcrum to use and I need to build one, the Wizard I'll use will be Skaven. This means I have but a short time to construct one from left over bits...........time to get those Skavenslaves back on the job.

Army Challenge List

So here is my 750pt list for the Army Challenge:

HeroesBattle Wizard – 100pts
               -Level 2 Wizard

           - Witch Hunter – 75pts
               - Gambler’s Armour, Dragonbane Gem

CoreSwordsmen (19) – 163pts
           - Full Command
               -Detachment: Halberdiers (10) – 60pts
          -Handgunners (10) – 100pts

SpecialGreat Cannon – 120pts

RareCelestial Hurricanum – 130pts

                               Total – 748pts

So, there are probably a few questions to ask when looking at this list. The first is probably how the hell is this list going to survive a full Khorne Deamon list? and Why is there a Witch Hunter in a magic army?

I like Witch Hunters too. Mathius Thulmann is one of my favorite Warhammer characters (well, non-Skaven ones atleast). I tooled my Hunter up enough in hopes he might stand a chance. Particularly since Skulltakers attacks a flaming, the Dragonbane Gem should help my Hunter (along with his own rules) deal with that terror.....the other option is just to give him a 6+ Ward save vs the other deamons. Note that the ward save talisman and the ward vs flaming attacks help cost the same points. If anyone has any good ideas for replacing the Gambler's Armour (item must be the same points cost), then please suggest it as it seems I may need every bit of help against the legions of Khorne.