Wednesday 31 October 2012


Love the story to this game so far. In sequence 4 so far and it is very good. Given the shit day I've had, this has helped change my mood.

Sunday 28 October 2012


Still sick, feels like my heads being crushed. This of course means projects have slowed. I had hoped to finish my Summoner Storm Spear pic before Halloween, but given I suck at both drawing and computer colouring (all my programs are useless and have to use MS Paint) this is taking a lot longer then I thought. Also hope to finish the Archers/Huntsmen unit within the next few weeks.

In other news, the new Chaos releases look awesome. I'd love to paint one of the Chaos Shrines, although only after I make a few changes to the model.
You may also remember I read the book Valkia the Bloody and while I'm Tzeentch and not Khorne, I love the model they made of her. It does match the artwork well.
What I really like about this model,apart from the fact that GW are now starting to actually make more female characters (seriously, a fantasy game should be equal rights as females are just as capable as being a powerful character as any male), is the shield.
That Daemon Prince head shield is just bloody amazing.

Friday 26 October 2012

The Stanley Parable: HD Remix

Love the way sarcasm was placed in this. Looking forward to seeing this new version.
Well......that explains it all.

Bad to Worse

Sick.....head cold. I'm writing this week off as a run of bad luck and moving on. Damn I feel like crap.

Got Borderlands working but seems to crash occasionally when transitioning between locations. Still, my Hunter is currently level 21. Called him Storm Spear (seems to be something I'm doing lately) because Storm Spear is a hunter. Current focus is on the Sniper chart, which I enjoy doing as this game lets me pull off it without too many problems, which is why I keep guns like a shotgun in my quick slot.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Why Steam...WHY??

Not sure if my laptop could play Borderlands 2 but my bro suggested I play the first one. Unfortunately, after purchasing it off Steam the blasted thing refuses to install. It also appears I'm getting another head cold again and they predict more hot weather coming. Well this weeks going to shit real fast.

Am trying to do another Storm Spear pic, this time as the Summoner from Dungeon Defenders (cause I named my Summoner after him). Plan on adding Sparky to this one......actually I should really start doing a few pics of Sparky as the only references I have a written ones. Also, Corrupticus plays the Barbarian (Scottish version) so I do plan on doing a similar pic on that too (it will be his Series 2 form, when the crystal from his old armor is now imbedded in his chest).

Monday 22 October 2012

Bad Day?

Let's see, Shit day at work, too bloody hot and...oh mug broke. This week isn't starting too well. Aggression and agitation through the roof.

I guess the only good news was the arrival of the chaos cultist model. Got it from Ebay cause I can't afford to buy a whole set just for one model, but it's the leader wearing the Commissars jacket. I feel the model really brings out the traitor feel by taking something iconic with loyalty and twisting it. Will be a little while before I get a chance to paint it unfortunately.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Uploads and Downloads

Just finish two more uploads. With the first being my Flamers of Tzeentch and the second being my Archer/Huntsman test paint. It's been a struggle trying to get these done and future projects will be just as bad. None the less, I really think the Archer/Huntsman unit should be completed within the next month, as should the CSM Aspiring Champion.
In other news, Dungeon Defenders is celebrating it's 1st Anniversary with a special Anniversary pack. Tavern defense? Hell Yeah!!

Monday 15 October 2012

Comic Dub

Cute, but Ditzy's gotta stop breaking the Doctors mind. He's a sensitive individual.

Sunday 14 October 2012

There and back again

Like I previously said, I went to my local GW store today to get some tips on fixing my Flamers, and tips I got. With what I was taught today, I think I can salvage some of the models dignity from this mess.

Plan on giving my graphics pad a real test after I ink and scan my latest image into my laptop. From there I'll probably go over the image and colour it. I can only hope this goes well, cause with some practice this could improve some of my art styles.

Update: So far, so good. I've managed to fix some of faces for the Flamers. With any luck I should have them uploaded within the next few days, along with a test paint of one of my Empire Archers/Huntsman.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Fails applenty

Flamers of Tzeentch are a nightmare to paint in seems. It's the faces, cause once the colours on you can't pick out the face details as well. Just have to ask around for help on them I guess.

Meanwhile, decided to install the software for the USB Graphics Pad and give it a test run. Unfortunately, the program I was using kept crashing.

Also, bought me that new Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion model. Decided I needed to do a few one off models during all these other projects (which, quite frankly, are pissing me off) and this one just seem to catch my eye. Note sure on a colour scheme, but I'll see what hits me when I do it.

Thursday 11 October 2012

New Look??

Turns out after visiting the optometrist that I'm light sensitive, so intense light from sunlight or shopping centre lights can cause headaches and dizziness. Given my current job, that can be a problem and as such, I've gone out and gotten some prescription glasses. These are basically tinted class (around 20%) and are ment to reduce the light level enough to stop it from being a problem. Unfortunately, I just don't look good in glasses and these were the only frames that seemed half decent.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Bloody hell, it's 1:30am and I'm still awake. As much as I've tried I can't seem to get to sleep. Now I don't know if it's worth it as I need to be up in about 3 hours to get ready for work.

On the plus side, two new uploads are now....well....uploaded. Custom paint Storm Spear and Skrag the Gatekeeper are now up. Should have a few more in the next week or so....assuming I ever get some sleep.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


As you may have already known, I suffer depression. Most days you can barely notice it, but there are times where it can really effect you. The weekend was one of those times. If you have never suffered a bad case of it, it's almost impossible for me to describe it to you. The best I can do is a sort of sad/empty feeling. We know that it is caused by a chemical imbalance, but for all medical science can do, helping with the feelings is something they just can't. Thankfully, things are going back up again, but one can never tell when the next bad batch will strike again.

On a more positive note, I should have some uploads in the next day or so. Also, got myself a USB Graphics Pad to try out for my laptop. Only cost about $50 from Aldi, so I don't expect great things, but it's the perfect opportunity to have a bit of fun with it.

Thursday 4 October 2012

A Sad Day Indeed

I can't really describe how I'm feeling at the moment. Turned on the T.V this morning and to my horror, saw the footage of four girls, against their will, kicking and screaming as they were dragged into cars and taken away to be sent back to Italy. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

I was sick to my stomach, ill as I saw it. I cried (for once it wasn't my depression) and at the same time burned with rage. Where was my government? Where was the Australia I knew? I love my country, but how can I call myself an Australian if I could not protect the rights of children. The rules of the international court doesn't seem to take the children's rights into account. Never are the children given a voice, never given any rights.

Then there are the actions of the police. What did they expect? That they would go quietly? What's worse is that they've been separated from each other, unable to reunite until they all arrive in Italy. I.....what can I say. What can I do if my country is unwilling to do anything? So much sadness, so much anger. I feel for these girls and can only pray for them.

What can anyone do in a world of madness......

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Projects Update

As you may have noticed I have been updating this Blog to a more web site look and as such still have lots more work to do in updating the pages listed under the Blog banner. What is lacking is updates on actual projects, particularly the Warhammer ones. Fear not, as I have been slowly working on them when I get the chance, although I do mean slowly as it is hard to focus on projects lately due to my depression suffering a low patch.

Should have some uploaded by this week, including the long awaited Skaven Skryre warlord or rat-ogre model I converted ages ago.

As for future projects, apart from next years Armies on Parade and the agonizing project called 'Empire', I do plan on eventually making a monster for my Skaven army, a Clan Skryre version of a Warpfire Dragon (hybrid made of Zombie Dragon parts and parts from the new Chaos Space Marine Heldrake).

Monday 1 October 2012

Summoner Lesson

Decided to do the Assault challenge maps today so I could try and get that Unicorn pet (I like Unicorns, so what of it), but learned a very important lesson........Summoners suck at Assault maps. Turns out I can't summon minions, which kind of leaves my character useless in this situation.

As Storm Spear says, time for Plan B. Now I'm leveling a Series EV character designed for (almost) pure assault (named the character after Storm Spears companion 'Sparky'). Am trying to get the male version skin, but trying to beat that desert level on medium with Summoner hasn't been too successful so far.