Sunday 28 October 2012


Still sick, feels like my heads being crushed. This of course means projects have slowed. I had hoped to finish my Summoner Storm Spear pic before Halloween, but given I suck at both drawing and computer colouring (all my programs are useless and have to use MS Paint) this is taking a lot longer then I thought. Also hope to finish the Archers/Huntsmen unit within the next few weeks.

In other news, the new Chaos releases look awesome. I'd love to paint one of the Chaos Shrines, although only after I make a few changes to the model.
You may also remember I read the book Valkia the Bloody and while I'm Tzeentch and not Khorne, I love the model they made of her. It does match the artwork well.
What I really like about this model,apart from the fact that GW are now starting to actually make more female characters (seriously, a fantasy game should be equal rights as females are just as capable as being a powerful character as any male), is the shield.
That Daemon Prince head shield is just bloody amazing.

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