Tuesday 2 October 2012

Projects Update

As you may have noticed I have been updating this Blog to a more web site look and as such still have lots more work to do in updating the pages listed under the Blog banner. What is lacking is updates on actual projects, particularly the Warhammer ones. Fear not, as I have been slowly working on them when I get the chance, although I do mean slowly as it is hard to focus on projects lately due to my depression suffering a low patch.

Should have some uploaded by this week, including the long awaited Skaven Skryre warlord or rat-ogre model I converted ages ago.

As for future projects, apart from next years Armies on Parade and the agonizing project called 'Empire', I do plan on eventually making a monster for my Skaven army, a Clan Skryre version of a Warpfire Dragon (hybrid made of Zombie Dragon parts and parts from the new Chaos Space Marine Heldrake).

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