Tuesday 9 October 2012


As you may have already known, I suffer depression. Most days you can barely notice it, but there are times where it can really effect you. The weekend was one of those times. If you have never suffered a bad case of it, it's almost impossible for me to describe it to you. The best I can do is a sort of sad/empty feeling. We know that it is caused by a chemical imbalance, but for all medical science can do, helping with the feelings is something they just can't. Thankfully, things are going back up again, but one can never tell when the next bad batch will strike again.

On a more positive note, I should have some uploads in the next day or so. Also, got myself a USB Graphics Pad to try out for my laptop. Only cost about $50 from Aldi, so I don't expect great things, but it's the perfect opportunity to have a bit of fun with it.

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