Thursday 4 October 2012

A Sad Day Indeed

I can't really describe how I'm feeling at the moment. Turned on the T.V this morning and to my horror, saw the footage of four girls, against their will, kicking and screaming as they were dragged into cars and taken away to be sent back to Italy. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

I was sick to my stomach, ill as I saw it. I cried (for once it wasn't my depression) and at the same time burned with rage. Where was my government? Where was the Australia I knew? I love my country, but how can I call myself an Australian if I could not protect the rights of children. The rules of the international court doesn't seem to take the children's rights into account. Never are the children given a voice, never given any rights.

Then there are the actions of the police. What did they expect? That they would go quietly? What's worse is that they've been separated from each other, unable to reunite until they all arrive in Italy. I.....what can I say. What can I do if my country is unwilling to do anything? So much sadness, so much anger. I feel for these girls and can only pray for them.

What can anyone do in a world of madness......

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