Thursday 27 June 2013

Just for fun: Mordheim Skaven

I have never played Mordheim, and given GW's removal of it's specialist games, may never play, I decided to give it a look over. I must say it does indeed look interesting, but was more amused that Clan Eshin was the main clan used. Along with Storm of Chaos campaign, Clan Eshin has gotten a lot of focus over the years (I can already hear Snikkitch cursing) and looking back at all I've read on them, they do deserve it.

So what does that have to do with me? Well, I've got some clan rats, giant rats and a Rat Ogre left over and so using the Eshin list, will paint up a nice sized warband just for the heck of it (have chosen Clan Kreepus to represent the Verminkin/Clan rats). I will most likely purchase a Skaven assassin for the Assassin Adept model, but will probably convert the Eshin Sorcerer. I haven't done much with Skaven in a while and so I felt it's time to get back into them.

While I will continue to be a Clan Skryre member, I do have some respect for those of Clan Eshin and so this is a nice little way to show it.

Another Skaven project will be to convert four Skaven characters which are the other story side to my Skaven forces. Expect to see more information on them soon.

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