Wednesday 19 June 2013

That Elusive Skaven

Does the name Viskit mean anything to you? Up until today I had never heard of it, but apparently he's a Clan Eshin Skaven character from the Mordhiem game who was 'fixed' thanks to Clan Skryre and is now a deadly killing machine.
Thing is, I've seen the model (google searched the image), but alas, I have been unable to find one for purchase (or atleast, delivers to Australia). While I will continue to scour Ebay for it, but I also found out something else during my search.

Update: Think I may have found the model. It's Bid only so here's hoping it goes well. I have been told to give a conversion a go, but I'm not sure at the moment.

Seems that a number or Blood Bowl and Mordhiem miniatures have gone off the Games-Workshop website. While I have no idea why they were removed, I feel that it means they are no longer available and thus, your only hope of finding any now are on Ebay. Just seems like a sad state of affairs. In truth, I think both should be brought back as both would be considered enjoyable compared to the main focus of huge armies for the fantasy setting. Plus, new miniatures which could easily be marketed towards fantasy players who might not play those variants.

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