Monday 10 June 2013

The End Times Are Here!

Just received an interesting Email today. It said:

Hi Kaine ,

Well, the time has come.  In compliance with Games Workshop policy for retailers, we will no longer be able to supply you with Warhammer/Warhammer 40K bits starting June 15, 2013.

I wanted to take this opportunity to really thank you for all your business over the last two years.  We have had a lot of fun suppling just the right bits to customers all over the world.  We get pictures every day of awesome conversions that we helped make happen.  Sadly, we will not be able to provide this service after the 15th.  

What the hell?

So I decided to do some more research on this and, low and behold, the madness is true. According to Games-Workshop, it's to help the 'Brick and Mortar' store and keep them in business. Fine, I understand that. What I don't understand is why I pay $70 for ten plastic figures (I'm referring to the Sisters of Avelorn and not the Warriors of Chaos Forsaken - those things looked terrible) and as far as the 'stores' are concerned, you can actually get more recent models cheaper from Non-Games-Workshop stores.

What pisses me off the most....I'm a converter. I convert models, so I'm always looking to purchase bits needed for those conversions. The Games-Workshop website stopped selling bits years ago and so I use Ebay to get a bit or two here and there.

Much like the Xbox One issue, if you purchase a product, is that product yours to do what you want with? If I purchase a product and further down the line decide I don't want it or left over parts, can I not sell it/them off? Cause from what I see, I would no longer be able to sell any unwanted bits. It's not like their really loosing money as someone had to of purchase the product from them in the first place.

How should I stomach this bull shit? I know and respect my local Games-Workshop store and it's staff and I buy my products from them. However, sometimes I need a bit or two for a conversion and so I buy it from someone who has no need for it (I do not want to pay $69 for one Black Orc axe). The only way Games-Workshop can redeem themselves from this selfish mess (apart from reversing this policy change) is to re-introduce all the bits back onto their website and to start lowering the costs of their products here in Australia. How the hell do you plan to make money if your products are so expensive that the average person cannot afford to purchase them.

For the heads of the company, it is no longer about the hobby. They have been consumed by greed and have long lost what had made themselves so great. I had used this hobby to help me deal with my depression, with my stress and anxiety. Now it appears that this has become another dead end. I have had times when I had thought about quitting the I think this maybe the final nail in the coffin that does it.

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