Tuesday 13 October 2015

Another Malifaux crew plan

So recently I've trying to get my miniatures painted, but things haven't been going so well. In between that I regularly read all the Malifaux stuff a few times over to get a better understanding of it. However, one thing I've noticed since taking this game up is how little there is in regards to videos.
This person is one of the few I watch and if anything, has changed my view of the Arcanists. This recent video is on the Masters of the Arcanists, though I do suggest you watch a few of his battle summaries as I find them to be quite interesting. But more importantly, he's changed my view on the master known as Marcus.

When I first picked up M2E months ago I would read his profile once and would just skip him in subsequent look backs. However, since watching the many videos on Nicholas' channel, I've actually grown to like Marcus and having seen this video, am convinced to do a Marcus force.

Yes, another set of models to paint and bases to make and yes, on top of all the other ones I've done. However, a lot of the problems involve the painting of skin and in this crews case, only two of them are human and so the rest I can be a bit more creative on. So I'm planning to start collecting the miniatures for that crew over the next few months (still got to find things like plastic plants for terrain, let alone for the bases). Plus, I do love that Rouge Necromancy and this is just another reason to get that miniature.

I do recommend checking out his channel and that of The Sustainable Center as well for Malifaux content.

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