Sunday 25 October 2015

Malifaux favourites - Part 3: Enforcers

Enforcers are the difference between Henchmen and Minions, being that they are usually weaker then Henchmen, stronger then Minions and that they can also have a single upgrade. They also tend to have a nice story in order to make them stand out more. So here is the list of my favourite Enforcers:

Rouge Necromancy (Resurrectionists)

An undead Chimera is the bast way to describe it. It is everything wrong (yet somehow right) with the twisted fusion of science and necromancy. This creature is a beast and is one of those miniatures I hope to get around to painting as just the image of it is simply amazing. That and when I eventually get around to making a Marcus crew, I want that in it.

Howard Langston (Arcanists)

I'm sorry, but everytime I look at this guy, all I can think about is that he should be in a Doom video game as one of the bosses (if his body was a tank, then he would have already have been one). This guy is a pure monster and an very sci-fi looking miniature. I guess that's why I like him so much.

Convict Gunslinger (Outcasts)

One of my favourite, not only cause of how great they look, but also cause they are a nice anti-range ranged model. They can become even more brutal if they are lead by a Viktoria who has the upgrade that lets them use their Rapid Fire ability without having to discard a card. Can't stress enough how much I like these guys.

 Lucky Emissary (Gremlins)

It should be no surprise to people that I love Skaven and their crazy contraptions, the Doomwheel being a highlight in my army. So what could make my Gremlins that more special, a crazed lunatic driving a giant wheel. This guy is fast, can pull off some nice damage, with some points he can regen and towards the end he can sacrifice that to give every friendly crew member on the board a random positive effect. He's even using a Gremlin as bait to get the pig in the wheel moving, what's not to love.

Rami LaCroix (Gremlins)

The counterpart to the Ortega's NiƱo (though not as good), Rami has possibly some of the longest range for the Gremlins. His gun is of his own design (based on a sort of chaingun I believe) and has to have a small pig tied to it to help with things like weight distribution. I usually take this guy (along with Francois) in my Gremlin crews, mostly just to sit back and shoot. His only failing is his survivability as he does tend to die quite easily in combat.

Whiskey Golem (Gremlins)

How could I not put this on my list. It's a Golem, made out of whiskey barrels and filled with the Brewmasters special brew. What's not to love about that. He can dish out pain and poison in fair doses and is quite a resilient beast. His only draw back is that he works best in a Brewmaster crew, so giving me a tactical reason to use him in any other crew is much more harder to justify.

Well, that's the Enforcers done, stay tunes for the final one, the Minions.

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