Sunday 25 October 2015

Malifaux favourites - Part 4: Minions

Minions tend to be a mixed bag, some tend to be good while others tend to be cannon fodder. However, they should not be looked past and ignored when building a crew and some tend to have a few skills or abilities that can prove useful. Here are my most favourite ones.

Coryphee (Arcanists)

By themselves, they are quick and effective damage dealers with some nice survivability, but they have something unique about them too. They can merge to become a duet and once they do they can also begin healing themselves, so becoming even more deadly. I like their dresses what?

Slate Ridge Mauler (Arcanist)

A type of bear, this guy is all about getting in your face and once he's there, he ain't never going to leave. One tough cookie, he is still heavily vulnerable to range. That said, should Myranda be stuck in a nasty melee brawl, then the Mauler should be considered to be your form to shapeshift into just to see the look of 'Oh Crap' on your opponents face.

The Illuminated (Neverborn/Ten Thunders)

Who better to bring along to the Hungering Darkness' party then a few Illuminated. These guys are tough, have regen and can dish out Brilliance to boot, which not only benefits them but old HD himself. I've had the pleasure (or should I say displeasure) of fighting these guys and they are hard to deal with without getting some of my own crew killed in the process. That and they look like they are very much at home in a survival horror game.

Big Jake (Outcasts)

A native American themed character I believe, Big Jake has some nice stats and abilities for being a 5 soul stone model. One of his best abilities though is should he die before turn 5, then on turn 5 he come back with full health to get his revenge and can be a last minute game changer. Gotta wonder how many players will miss that part before it's too late.

Bayou Bushwacker (Gremlins)

A highly trained Gremlin, she looses the reckless ability to gain a sort of permanent soft cover. She can also drop soft cover which lasts a single turn around her, helping those next to her. She can also take a single shot per turn against a target in her sight if another Gremlin shooting that target failed to hit, so it's like an extra attack each turn almost. They can move for free early on, so pick a good camping spot and let those bullets fly.

Shadow Effigy (Ten Thunders)

I was going to make an effort to not add pure Ten Thunders models on this list, but I've really grown to hate this guy to the point of respecting him. The reason: 'Remember the mission'. This blasted move make scheme marker based schemes so much more easier to achieve. It's thanks to this bugger that I lost my first ever game due to Line in the Sand, something that one might see as very difficult to achieve for a players first game and yet my brother won due to it. He is effective at what he does and if you plan to use scheme dropping schemes, then consider picking this guy as an option.

So there we have it, the last part of my favourite miniatures and so brief reason behind why I like them.

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