Tuesday 11 December 2012

Life Up-date

Where to begin? Let's just say that if you've read previous entries that you'll know my life has hit a bit of a wall. One of my major flaws (a flawed human being, who'd a guessed) is a complete lack of focus. This seems obvious with the lack of finished projects. Unfortunately, when my life does hit a wall, this lack of focus does become a serious problem for me.

I am cutting down on my miniature projects, partly due to taking so long to do them, but also I'm not enjoying them as I once did. Don't worry, I'll still continue to do them, I just won't go overboard like I've previously done. So what else will I do? I plan to go back into some study and finish that Art course I was doing years ago, but never completed it because I could no longer afford the materials to do my work. This means I plan to go back into painting, along with my photography. I also want to try my hand at voice recording, maybe even do up a voice resume for a possible chance at some voice acting roles (even if all I say is one line it'd be a great start).

They say 'if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself' and that's exactly what I'm doing. So between now and next year (which is when these study courses begin) I've got a lot of work and thinking to do.

But to show this post isn't a total waste, here's a quick preview/teaser of the Xmas project:
What could it mean?

Oh yes, got this one from Ebay too (another project that I'm still collecting pieces for).

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