Thursday 13 December 2012

Snorta Klaws

He's finally done:

Snorta Klaws

A project that was way overdue, Snorta Klaws is one of those projects that you do for a bit of fun and nothing else. Was it's paint job rushed? Perhaps, but I really don't care. I was just a fun little project that I'm glad I did.
OK, so now you might want to know what was used to make the model.

Snorta Klaws is a Bloodbowl Chaos Dwarf with green stuff hat and skeleton flail top. His bag is an Ogre bag with some filing and green stuff. His mace is that from a Chaos Warrior with mace top off a Plague Monk census flail top.

The Snowmen Shield-bearers are made from modeling clay, with a green stuff coal,carrot and hat. As previously mentioned, the hats weren't smooth enough, so they became metal as befitting a Chaos Dwarf. Their arms are bits of wire with some liquid green stuff to make them more like sticks and the weapons are from Skeleton and Plague Monk kits.
Note: One of the eyes went missing and so I used the problem to make an opportunity to show the dark magic that's inside them. The 'snow' effect Snowman was simply white paint and Bi-Carb Soda mixed to make a textured paint effect.

Finally, the shield is a small flying base with some green stuff.

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