Thursday 2 May 2013

An Upload.....finally.

Finally got some miniature pics uploaded. This brings the current Warband models to three:
1. Grimmo Ironbeard (Crusader)
 2. Specks (Jokaero Weaponsmith)
3. Maul (Warrior Acolyte) 
Note: Maul's base was re-painted to match the others (not shown in this pic)

Designs for the Psyker and Daemonhost/Xenos creature are almost done, with most of the Psyker being sculpted as opposed to converted. The Ur-Ghul just needs some slight conversion work, were as the Lizardman-like Xeno will need alot more converting.

Also, why the hell did I ever choose Empire as the good force to paint up? I know I've mentioned it before, but those little bastards they call State Troops have so many little annoying things to paint on them that it can really drive you insane trying to paint when you have to focus on such things.

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