Wednesday 22 May 2013

Xbox One....the heck? (blogger won't link the vid for some reason)

Wow.....just wow. What the hell was Microsoft thinking? Did they just forget that they were making a gaming console. I agree with Joe on this one, this reveal just ended any hope of getting top spot in the console wars. No backwards compatibility, fee to play pre-owned games (let alone no longer being able to lend games to friends) and on top of that a pointless reboot of the Kinect. Clearly they have learned nothing from past experiences and the complaints about the PS4. If anything, they made it easier for console gamers to go to their competitors.

Am I too harsh on Microsoft? Hell no. First up, why call the console Xbox One? What the hell does the 'One' stand for anyway? Why not call it something that sounds like a must buy like 'Xbox Infinite' or something similar. Xbox One just sounds stupid, more stupid the Playstation 4.

Secondly, no backwards compatibility. Are you serious? Given the backlash over the lack of it for the PS4, there was high hopes you'd include it as a major advantage over your competitors. So why did in the nine hells you not include it. That's even more stupid then your ridiculous console name. Then you go ahead and say all games will need to be installed in order for you to play them, which given the graphic and game power your promising, will fill up the hard drive on it quick smart. And after all that, you tell us that there will be a fee on using pre-owned games. If you skip the 'lending to friend' part, what about things like renting games or buying pre-owned games? Bad enough the video stores are closing down, but then the purchase of a pre-owned game only to have an additional cost would mean it could end up being cheaper just to buy a brand new copy.

Finally, this big focus on things like the T.V. function (which will only be available to the US on release.....thanks a bunch) and the new and improved (a term I use loosely) Kinect is a major disappointment.

The truth from all this (which Joe is right about) is that there is no reason for me to now buy this console. If anything, I am better off pumping my money into getting a good PC rig since that's were the only real form of gaming seems to be heading.

Xbox One? Seriously?

Update: Apparently the name is suppost to be something like 'All in one media centre'. Except that anyone with a PC with one of Microsoft's more modern Windows programs already has that (I think Apple too has them) and to be truthful, why do we need that? I buy a console to play games, if I want T.V I'll watch T.V and I also have an iPod for music and apps. The hell, you might as well call it 'it's like an iPad only bigger and better'. It use to be about gaming, now it's just filling a box with pointless rubbish.

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