Monday 27 May 2013

That Comp?

Late as always, but this is the update to Saturday....and what a day that was. Still suffering from the after effects of Fridays migraine, the train line was down, bad day at work, late getting into the city for the painting competition and wouldn't you know it, the model I got suffered a bad case of Finecast failure. Still, it was an enjoyable day and while I didn't complete the model, I did get enough done to give me an overall idea of what she would turn out like.
I don't think they ever announced who won it, but I was happy that my model was getting it's fair share of attention. Much of that was directed towards her hair and dress (which, alas, this photo doesn't show off so well). While the hair was blind luck, the dress I had practice a day or so prior.
My test subjects were the one I had previously used for testing ghost paint schemes and though a couple of goes I got to a point in which I was happy to use. As for the Everqueen, I will be finishing her off, but there are a few model issues that have to be dealt with which could stuff up her paint job, so I'll have to wait for a day when I'm not feeling frustrated.

This model also showed up today. It's a musician from the old Handmaidens unit and will be used to represent a Handmaiden of the Everqueen with the Horn of Isha (which can only be used if the Everqueen is in your army).

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