Friday 24 May 2013

The Day Before.

Man I hate migraines, such a pain in the arse.

So, tomorrow is the in store painting competition (5 hour to paint the model) as part of Games-Workshops 20 years in Australia anniversary and I am a little nerves. I will be painting the Alarielle the Radiant model, both as part of the 'Avelorn' army challenge and because my brother want's her to duke it out with his entry, Teclis. To be fair, I do think Teclis does stand a better chance in a duel with the Everqueen, but it would certainly be interesting. I am going against the 'Eavy Metal colour scheme and using pinks in her dress as opposed to the greeish colour. The reasons for this is that I like her to stand out compared to the rest of the army and pink does that as well as still giving her that soft, gentile look (she's suppose to be one of the most beautiful female characters in warhammer, yet also very powerful, so it does add that deceitful look better).

Update: Bugger. Just found out that the painting competition starts at 10am, which is also when I finish work. To make matters worse, I need to change before I leave work and make a bus since Queensland Transport decided to close down my train line for maintenance this weekend. So instead of 5 hours to complete the model, I now have around 3.5 hours......just great.

Also, to the guy who wrote the article saying that Backwards Compatibility is just a recent thing, you ether need to check your facts or re-word what you said. If you were to say that built-in backwards compatibility was recent, then that would be fine. As for backwards compatibility in gaming, they did invent small devices to let you play previous system games on the newer ones. My example was for the Sega Genesis (or Sega Mega Drive as we know it here in Australia). While the Genesis was out, they created a device that was cartridge sized that allowed you to plug your old Sega Master System games into it and play them on your Sega Genesis. That was my earliest recollection for console backwards compatibility. With the never consoles, we just wanted them to add it in as a normal feature, so you should expect anger when the next gen consoles don't have it.

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