Wednesday 26 November 2014

Bad Industries, Smart People

Video games are just one of my many hobbies and playing good games always makes me feel happy. Unfortunately, there has been very little of that over the last few years. Oh yes, there have been some great games released, but for every good one there seems to be ten or more bad ones that follow. It almost appears that the industry doesn't care about the gamer and only about how much money it makes.

But for me there is a light in all this darkness. If there is one thing this industry produced well, it was critics. Individuals upon the Internet who not only critique the games, but the industry and the community too. These people are not your usual flamers and haters, but people who make intelligent arguments and discussions. Nothing is off limits and listening to them can open your eyes to view points you hadn't considered before. Heck, looking back at some of those videos I watch, those points seem to just be common sense.

If I have to give examples, then I suggest you look up the works of Totalbiscut and Jim Sterling (a.k.a The Jimquisition). Whether you agree with their opinions or not is your choice, but it's the discussions and they way they talk about issues that you can make note of. I won't lie, I can't help but listen to these view points and compare them to my own. Certainly, I feel I understand the industry a little better and am a lot more cautious when it comes to the purchasing of games, which has paid off)

Love them or hate them, these are well thought out and explained view points and such calm and intelligent discussions are a delight compared to all the hate that gets tossed about.

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