Saturday 29 November 2014

Supanova Blast

Went to Supanova Brisbane 2014, had a great time hanging with my brother. Was way too crowded for my liking and as a result couldn't get many photos in. Still, got to see some interesting things. Please excuse the poor quality of the pictures, kept getting pushed when taking them (very crowded indeed), nor have I had time to edit them.
Something about this Dalek really appealed to me, not sure why.
Because why not?
This guy was walking around it this suit and he was massive. How he did it I'm still not sure.

There was a section there for Games-Workshop, but apart from selling model box sets, it was also showing off various things like the weapons made for Cos Players. We talked a bit and I'm leaning ever closer to the idea of making an Inquisitor costume, perhaps for next year.

Due to the crowds and the usual problems that occur at Supanova, along with the fact I only had a few hours there before leaving cause I had work today, I didn't get all the autographs I had wanted to so. That said, I did meet Andy Price and Katie Cook from the pony comics and got some works from them. Katie did the sweet little water colour Princess Luna while Andy drew my characters. He was particularly enjoyed the 'Bogan Storm Spear' idea and felt the need to do that version. Really need to get over my shyness, had so many questions to ask, but could barely get the words out to ask for an autograph work piece (let alone them hearing my, I'm very quiet when my shyness goes into overdrive). I need a good confidence kick, preferably via a blow to the head (that is how it works, right?).
Bogan Storm Spear seems to be on a popularity rise, perhaps I should do more with him story wise (though my guess is the first thing that will occur is the Prime Storm Spear having a word with his alternate Bogan self about his drinking habits).

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