Wednesday 26 November 2014

Supanova Is Coming

So, I failed to go to the one on the Gold Coast this year and thanks to study and finances, missed out on Comic-con. I have decided to go to the Brisbane Supanova. I'm looking foward to it. Plan on testing my camera skills with my new camera doing inside shoots (most likely without flash due to not wanting to blind nearby people).

It's also going to have Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime, Eeyore) and I might try to get an autograph since I'm a voice actor fan and I haven't got a voice actor autograph yet. Plus, he's freaken Optimus Prime. Gus from Rooster Teeth will be there (should really start getting their autographs too). Also, Andy Price and Katie Cook of the My Little Pony comic will also be there. I've been surprise at just how well done that comic series has been, certainly some of those stories have been better them most comics I've read and I'm a sucker for pony art.

Only problem I have is I have to work till midnight on friday, then get up early to go there before leaving before 2pm so I can get home to get ready to start work at five that afternoon. Going to be a hell of a day and I can assure you that I'll only get through it with my best friend caffine.

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