Saturday 22 November 2014

Warhammer End Times Concern

So the pre-orders for the third End Times book Warhammer: Khaine are now up. Sort of guessed the Elf one was next from recent rumours, but upon reading the various brief descriptions on each a thought occurred: What are they planning for future Armybooks with the End Times?

Let me explain. With both the Nagash book and this Elves book there appears to be a common theme, uniting armies. Hell, the main phrase used to advertise this later one suggests the civil war that has raged between those Elf factions will be ending. If that is the case, then what happens next. The Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts armies have been turned into a single undead force in the service of Nagash, which suggests any future Armybook will just be called 'Undead' or 'Nagash'. The same appears now for the Elvin races, suggesting that any future release will just be Armybook: Elves. Even the Chaos one had one such suggestion, but unity amongst them is still a popular idea to some. Both High Elves and Dark Elves have had a long and glorious history and to simply cast it aside for unity and expecting people to accept that would be insane.

If this is the future of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, then it maybe considered a terrible idea. I know I bag Games-Workshop constantly for it's idiotic business decisions and they do indeed deserve it. Their failure to make the money they want is due to them not understanding their customers and trying to force us to accept and buy things we never asked for. But I've always been a fan of the product, I've always been a fan of both Warhammer worlds. But if they go down this path then I can only wonder why? Is it laziness? Are they cutting the product to save themselves time and money? Fans feed off the Lore, they feed off the rival factions, the game and the imagery. Take that away and you anger those loyal fans, and once you take from them what they loved, they move on. Hell, it's the reason I left World of Warcraft a long time ago, having them screwed the Horde over, Thrall suddenly becoming weak and useless and ignoring the whole Doomhammer prophecy. Games-Workshop still lives in a world where there a rival companies and while their games are not as big, they are slowly growing and some of it is due to dissatisfied GW customers.

I know this is all just pure speculation on my half, but Games-Workshop hasn't filled me with a great deal of confidence over the last few years. I can only hope I'm wrong in regards to all this and I would love for GW to prove me wrong, but from here it doesn't look so good.

No idea why you complain about such poor lame-stupid elf-things. No matter what happens, the might of Skavendom will rise and seize-take surface world as is right given by Great Horned One.

~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

Oh dear, it would appear this strange rat-dressed man is showing up everywhere now.


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