Saturday 27 June 2015

If you can't sell Fantasy....

.....make Space Marines and call it Fantasy

I honestly have no idea anymore. This....just seems so wrong. It doesn't scream Fantasy or Warhammer to me. If anything, all I can think of is 40K and my eyes turn away. I don't know.

I guess Chaos for the most part looks the same.....well, more then the Empire does at any rate. I'm very concerned as to what will become of my beloved Skaven. I really don't care that much for the rules, though I suspect that it will closely mirror that of 40K and am more focused on what they'll do to the Lore and to the look of the miniatures. The same rumours that proved this true also said Skaven would take a more Steampunk look and while I do love Steampunk, there is a right way for it to look and there is a wrong way. Given my complete distrust of the company now, I am very worried that they might copy other miniatures style instead of being creative while still keeping it in the Gothic style. which both Fantasy and 40K are supposed to be based.

I can only imagine just how expensive this will cost in Australia, so I hope rulebooks a separate so I can review the game, though I suspect I'll still have to wait awhile for the Skaven releases before I can give a full review and have a final opinion.

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