Tuesday 16 June 2015

My Opinion - MLP: FiM Episode 100

So I don't talk much about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on this blog, mostly limiting to anything to do with my characters (such as Commissions, etc) or if something really worth writing up for this blog, and I feel this is. So, was it any good?

Simply put? Yes. This one was definitely for the fans and yet, it also shows you can still do stories without the main six. The story is about  Cranky and Matilda (two Donkey's from the Ep 'A friend in deed') who are getting Married, but instead of it being tomorrow, the invitation is set for today and so the panic to get everything ready begins.

Plot characters: Derpy, who is responsible for the mistake and spends the episode trying to fix everything; Time Turner or as he's called by Derpy, Doctor (cause he's a reference to Dr Who and is also known as Dr Hooves) who is obsessed with science tries to help, but ends up getting caught in a plot involving getting his suit ready which leads him to the bowling ponies who represent the main characters from The Big Lebowski; Octavia and Vynal, who's plot revolve around the music for the wedding; and finally, Lyra and Bon Bon, who's plot is the strangest of all, with Bon Bon revealing that she's actually a secret agent ment to capture monsters or something. Seemed a little off, but good fun. Oh yeah, the main six are busy fighting a Bugbear the who time and some of the side characters get a few lines, but not much. That said, Luna and Celestia arguing over who forgot to bring the wedding gift was great, and even Shinning Armors 'crying at weddings' gag was good for a chuckle.

My only problems was why didn't Vynal Scratch have a speaking part? Did they want to keep it a mystery or were they simply avoiding the possibility that the voice might not sound (or sound too much) like those on the Internet (Jessi Nowack a.k.a Nowacking is what comes to my mind). The same could be said about fan favourite Button Mash. He too made another brief appearance in the show, but never spoke. Again, were they worried about fan backlash? Remember that he was only famous thanks to Jan Animation Studios and Blake 'ShadyVox' Swift who voice both Button Mash and Neon Lights (voice Neon in other animators work too) and considering that a C&D was put in by Hasbro legal team to stop the animations (from what I know, the show itself had no problems), one can only wonder, considering the build up to the episode.

Still, this episode was amazing and is now easily in my top three. I rarely watch the show much, but I'm glad I watched that one.

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