Thursday 18 June 2015

My Opinion: E3 2015

Meh, simply Meh.

Honestly, there was much that was shown or talked about that interested me. Perhaps I've grown tired of gaming or simply the fact I no longer have much hope of playing a game that gives me joy. Even the Star Fox thing shot me down when they announced it was a re-imagining of the franchise, so no continuing or closing of the current characters, just another clean sleight with some disappointed fans (such as no more Krystal, which won't go down well).

That said, Nintendo did put on a good show. Not enough for me to forgive them for their Youtube policy or their disappointing games, but still, their heads are aware that they've become memes and they are making the most of it. Still nothing to convince me to go back to consoles, but then I'll have to discuss this event with my brother and get his opinion on things. Should be interesting.

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