Sunday, 18 June 2017

June Updates - The Twist

So I now have the Mousling Assassin and the Viktoria's box set crew done and while I still have Vanessa and Aionus still to do to finish off all the Outcast models (until I get more later on anyway, been looking at getting Big Jake), I have focused my attention on dealing with another thing I've been holding off, the Colette crew bases. I did the ones for the Coryphee/Coryphee Duet along with two additional bases, however, I never did get around to finishing bases for the rest of the crew.

Well, I've done building them and damn do my hands hurt. The amount of pressure I need to place on both blade and pin to make them has left my hands in quite a bit of pain, but it means I can now focus on the painting part. My only problem is that I don't remember what I actually did to get the nice wood effect I got on those first bases. Still, if I can pull it off, I can finally get down to working on my Colette crew cause I really want to try them out.

Probably work on the Mousling Thief in between as I can't do much more for some other projects, mostly cause I need more bases.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Banjonistas Reveal

So this one is both something I have been waiting nearly a year for, yet I'm not sure how to make of one particular miniature. I'm sure you've guessed which one I'm talking about, but yes it's the one with that big grin. I mean, he looks so odd compared to his picture and I just don't know what to make of it.

Still, it's coming out in July and I'm looking forward to working on them and using them to convert Dimitri Benois.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Hooray! More Uploads

So got a few more projects done and dusted, so here they are:

Age of Sigmar Rat-Ogres: Here

McTavish and his Gators: Here

Bartholomew & Miranda: Here

The shots are taken more with flash this time. This was due to both it being overcast and because I've had trouble with lighting.

I might also expand on my original characters of Bartholomew and Miranda in the future(the Bat ones these Vampires were based on), though it all depends on what kind of art I can get and if I can commission someone to help me create a proper image to display those two characters. I prefer to set up character profiles with pictures to help give them more life (though that reminds me, I really need to update the Skith Warpclaw and Zargooran ones).

Things I Just Don't Get

So with my course now over, the old depression is now kicking into high gear once more. As such, I find myself catching up with various videos on Youtube and I've found myself asking all sorts of questions. Perhaps I should address just a couple of them.

Bubsy Returns

I really don't see why everyone is up in arms over this. Yes, the original games weren't the best, but the character really only became a massive joke thanks to Bubsy 3D and I doubt his return is going to shatter the gaming industry. Honestly, I can't see how they could make the game any worse (other then it not working at all) so who knows, they might fix a few problems. Personally, there are far worse games out there that deserve more negative attention then this guy and if you don't want to play it, then don't. I find that works all the time.


If you want to end up bitter, paying too much attention on this is the way to go. It's hard not too, we live in a world that now forces you to pay attention or you risk your future, but I find things have become far more toxic then ever before. It gets worse when you realise that it includes all forms of political correctness, discrimination, etc. I can only hope people don't become venomous from all this crap.


Speaking of being bitter, E3 is here and for some reason I seem to enjoy the snarky videos of the conferences then positive ones. That's not to say that good games aren't there, it's just I've gotten so sick and tired of game hype and E3 expectations with little to show for it. Too often there have been big praise for these events, yet when we finally get the games they always never live up to what was expected. I guess it is the way the industry has been heading over the years and it is certainly one of the main reasons I have trouble enjoying games these days.

That and these conferences always seem so cringy and I hate cringy. Can't enjoy things when it gets that way.

Dead By Daylight

Who would of though that after watching a bunch of Youtuber's play this game together that I'd still be interested in playing it more. You'd think after about 50 videos of it I'd be sick of it, but nope, for some reason I'd watch another 50 more. Then again, it does give me an idea for a character and story. I know people tend to complain about Youtuber's playing the same game over and over again, but if your enjoying it, then why should anyone else care.

I admit, I might sound a bit grumpy on all this......perhaps I am. In that case, I'm sorry. Try to make future posts more positive.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Do you ever have that moment...

...when you have something important to type up, that you really want to type it up, but you forget what it was that was so important to type up?

That's me right now. Damn it.

June/July Project Plans

So we'll start with non-miniature projects. I know I should get back into photography, but I might try getting better with filming with the camera over photos, but who knows. I was going to practice with short film work, but given my course is ending and with it, the student cost for the Adobe package, that's out as I can't afford to pay that kind of costs. I am looking at moving onto the Bachelor program for study, but there are still a few more conversations needed before a final decision is made.

Miniature wise, I'm just about finished doing both Vampires, two Rat Ogres and McTavish and the Gators (the later I've given up on, just doing the same mud effect around the bases and touching up the paints with some washes and dry brushing. Given up on trying to fix the water effects). All these should be up over the next week.

Next will be trying to finish the Outcast models. Some got damaged recently, so nows the time to fix and finish. Still have Vanessa, 2 Ronin and Aionus (again, the later I've given up on his base and will just finish painting him). Once they are done, I'll upload the Outcast crew. I also still have two mouslings that are WiP, along with possibly working on the Skeleton Horse Archers and re-basing the two AoS Skaven weapons teams I did (their bases were the large ones instead of the smaller cavalry ones). Will also do up some of the old Skeleton Warrior left overs to add to the Death faction for AoS: Skirmish. There may be more, but I'm still not sure what's going on at the moment, so I think this will do for now.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Looking into Short Film Making

So a question was thrown at me recently, to come up with two ideas for videos to make. While I have some idea of what I want to experiment with, I honestly don't have the resources to attempt making them. I started with those ideas last year, but with all that has happened this year, most were abandoned.

But soon after thinking about it, I did come up with an idea, though one I'm not sure if I feel comfortable to make. It's a short film with a mix of random shots and planned ones, liked together with a voice over. The voice is the inner one of depression. While I'm sure it's been done to death already, I would like to give it a shot, but I don't feel comfortable putting it out there publicly when it's done. The reason being is that it might be too depressing or even feel off and I don't want to create things that make people feel worse. I'd like to create positive things that would inspire people, not things that make people feel negative.

I don't know, it's still in the early stages so anything could happen at this point, but I would still like to attempt doing a short film.

Building an AoS Skirmish Crew

So been looking at the list of available units and their renown costs. Gotta say, Death and Destruction factions got ripped off badly in this. As it stands, having a Moonclan Grots theme isn't really possible when they are just the basic Grot unit for them and the Death faction fairs no better if you wanted any Bats or Tomb Kings. I bring that last part up cause as I mentioned in the last post I did, I pointed out how GW said they would continue supporting those non-production lines in their FAQs, but obviously that isn't the case. Probably more disappointed that they missed supporting the Skeleton Archers, Bats and even the Squigs. How do you not add Squigs?

Despite my rage at this, I was considering using this game to tell the story of the awakening of my Death faction. I admit that the introduction would definitely put me on the back leg as I would have to have Queen Judith as the hero and being a Necromancer, that takes up nearly all of the points in a 25 Renown game. Going through my remaining models, that means either 2 Zombies or 1 Zombie and 1 Skeleton Warrior for the first match and given how the story starts, the 2 Zombie option would be more appropriate (I'll try to get the introduction story up soon). As it goes on, I still have around six Skeleton Warriors to use, but at some point I would reach the point when she would be able to awaken her husband King Nicholas (who is only slightly more expensive then the Queen). Still don't have enough models to build a full 100 renown point crew, but perhaps I'll just have to use stand in models until I can get more.

Also, I do have enough models (old bases and new) to run full crews for Chaos and Order, just preferring to focus on Death at the moment. The only exception to this is I may work on two Rat Ogres I have laying around, a few Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch that are here and there, but mostly slowly working on my Horrors of Tzeentch which I am painting in all sorts of random colours and patterns which are just meant as part of my distressing treatment (and not having to focus on fine detail can really help as you really don't have to care about the outcome and it really can help at times).