Friday 23 September 2016

Back into Malifaux - Sort Of

So good news and bad news. Good news is the Hounds arrived and I got a game with my Bro. The bad news is I was unwell, so I didn't get any picks, plus we hadn't played in a while and so we decided against playing one of the event games. That said, I'll give a brief overview of the game in case your interested.

25 Soulstone game, Ten Thunders vs Gremlins, Corner Deployment, Turf War and we both had the Assassinate and Make Them Suffer schemes (though looking back I should have gone for the Power Ritual that was available).

I spent more time helping my brother to pick his crew from my models (he still hasn't found his yet) and I sort of wasn't paying attention to my crew choices, but I still stand by them.

Ten Thunders

-Hungering Darkness (Leader - Henchman) - 7 SS cache
       - Addict
       - Recalled Training

-Illuminated (Minion)

-Illuminated (Minion)

-Illuminated (Minion)


- Trixiebelle (Leader - Henchman) - 5 SS cache
       - A Gun For A Lady

- Francois LaCroix (Henchman)

- Raphael LaCroix (Enforcer)

- Bayou Bushwhacker (Minion)

- Old Cranky (Peon)

The Game

Oh boy, things did not go well for me and to be fair, it was partly my fault. I'm happy to help my opponent to understand his crew and to give stat details of my own (good sportsmanship is very important in my games) and it's fair to cop a pounding by helping him pick out suitable targets. No my biggest problem was not using my crew well enough. By focusing on Turf War, I ran many of them towards the center. What I forgot (until the last minute when I realized, damn that was a funny moment) was that my crew is better at range then melee, where his is better at melee then range. I admit, my Gremlins do lack melee models (really all I have is Mah Tucket and she's a Master, so couldn't be used in this game) and I should purchase a few for future battles.

If there was one thing I can say, is that the Dark Debts crew has one hell of a self healing set of abilities. Raphael tried his best to take down the Hungering Darkness and at first things went well. Francois ran in to help, but after taking half damage to deal a good chunk to HD, the old Entity hit back and Francois was the first to fall. Darkness would keep leaching life and even drained his allies to heal, which they passed their tests. Meanwhile, the female Illuminated got into a fight with Trixiebelle and the two got into one heck of a slapping match. Old Cranky tried to help, but then the nearest Illuminated joined the fight and beat the old man down.

In a bad situation, I was left with the choice of trying to take down Hungering Darkness or save Trixiebelle. My Bushwhacker decided to take on the Darkness, but after a few slaps of the pan, only one wound was achieve and the third Illuminated counter-charged, but failed to damage anyone (he spent most of the game just roaming around and when he got into combat, he failed. Won my Brother's 'Most Useless Member' award). Despite having only four wounds left, Raph failed to make any sort of impact to Darkness, despite having three action points from his bonus reckless.

Trixie, now in a 2 V 1 fight, held out amazingly well. Using stones for damage prevention and a good card or two, that gal was fighting against the odds. Things were less well, and Hungering Darkness just destroyed the Bushwhacker and the Illuminated aided in removing Raphael. It wasn't going to end well for me, but Trixiebelle survived to Turn 5 before finally falling, thus denying my opponent full points for Assassinate. Ten Thunders had won, 7 VP to my 2 VP.

Regen plus a self heal per turn meant my damage could not wear them down, but given I do better damage at range then melee had resulted in the stupid decision to get in close so early had me at a disadvantage. The terrain didn't help, but I should have planned better. Even at DF 6, WD 8 and no defensive triggers, Trixiebelle held off two Illuminated quite well and even her poor damage was keeping the one Illuminated close to mid wounds. Had I gotten her better support, I might have gotten one kill for my scheme. Like I said, I should have gone for the Power Ritual as I'm sure I'd have gotten at least 1 VP for it and would have probably had a model or two in a better position.

Overall, this was a very fun game and I had a blast. We hope to do another one soon (and with luck, I might have a better chance with getting photos/video next time) and perhaps we might be able to do one of the event missions too.

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