Sunday 25 September 2016

General Update

So I have gotten two Hounds painted and the other two will be put on the back burner to be done at a later date. With luck I'll get the photos tomorrow and have them uploaded. As for other miniatures, that's up in the air at this moment.

See, depressions been bad and I really need to focus on my movie title project, which really hasn't moved over the week long break and it's due in the next five weeks. As such, I really have lost confidence and am already beginning to feel the stress and pressure of it. I'm hoping that my mood will shift into a more positive area soon, having focused more on eating fruit and less high sugar products, but still not feeling any different.

I've also noticed I really haven't done much photography lately too and should make a day dedicated to getting a few more shots done, though with all the medical appointments booked, that may have to wait a week or two. So perhaps something will happen within the next few weeks, with luck.

Update: Yes I know, I'm delaying again (though you probably are already expecting it by now). Turns out things have not gone as well as I hoped and unfortunately, my flat mate is staying home tomorrow to play his new game, meaning I can't do it then either. I'm aiming for Friday afternoon, but who the bloody hell knows when by this point. 

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