Sunday 25 September 2016

My Issue With Twitter

Social media is a great way to get ideas about and discussions going (well, most of the time). However and I'm sure this is an old complaint, I really dislike the limited amount of characters you can use. Last week I mentioned how bad it was to use such things on my iPod, but one thing that really stood out was the inability to have a proper discussion.

An example, one artist I follow called Tsitra360 (who's a rather talented artist in my opinion) was saying how Hasbro designers keeps making better ponies then OC's (I assume Tsitra meant the shows designers and not the toy designers), to which I responded about how that it's down to how the artist makes them look good or not. The replay was that a bad design could be improved, but a good design would go further, which I do agree with. Now I would love to have continued with such a discussion, as while I have made a ton of characters, visual design is something that I would love to learn more about. Sadly, the situation I was in was not the best for a discussion, but limited space typing would have not gotten many points across. Now I could have sent a message or mail, but since I don't really know the person and my social anxiety, I felt doing such a thing would be inappropriate and rude. I don't know if an opportunity to discuss character visual design with artists will ever come up again.

Sometimes, limited words can be good, especially if you can get your point across in as few words as possible. Clearly I am not one of those people and this is one of my main issues with Twitter. That and the fact that I prefer using it on my computer, in which they are never in posted time order, which infuriates me to no end.

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