Saturday 10 September 2016

Divergent Paths Is Almost Upon Us

So the promotional material and base rules for the Divergent Paths campaign is now up. It will involve a series of story games which follow three new human arrivals from the Breach, a snarky practical joker, an inquisitive child, and a self-righteous man. As such, each faction is trying to alter the fate of these individuals. At the end of each story encounter, the faction with the most wins will grant that character a special ability. By the end of the campaign, the fates of these characters will have changed and the consequences will be felt as each character will become a model who's stats and abilities will be determined by this event.

This sounds very interesting, three characters who will be reforged into something different based on the actions of those involved. I just hope people play more for the fun of messing with them then actually trying to win a factional victory like the last world campaign. It will get boring real quick if we keep seeing the same top three of Guild, Arcanist and Ten Thunders over and over again.

Also, quick update on the Wild Ones. For the most part, I have only one more Ramone to complete and while their paint coats aren't the best, I'm overall happy with what I've done. The Hounds still haven't arrived yet, but with luck, I'll have them done by the end of next week. The plan is to have the full 50 Soulstone group painted up of photos, though I might be busy next weekend too, so we'll have to see what happens. Also, noticed a Bayou Gremlin has gone missing and two Bushwackers and the Lucky Effigy were not finished. Working to fix that up, though I admit that my Effigy looks like he's a football supporter who stole the cloths off a dead clown. I can't tell if he's disturbing or disgusting.

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