Tuesday 23 January 2018

GW Miniature Update 2

So finished re-basing the 20 Clanrats with Spears and I just need to do a few updates to finish the Doomwheel and Warp-lightning Cannon. That just leaves another 10 Clanrats with Hand Weapons to do, but they are also from my unfinished pile, meaning they are only part painted and need to be finished in order to be complete.

As for the rest of my Skaven, I am unsure what to do with some of it, but have begun re-basing a bunch for a Skirmish option. While the Forge-Master leads his raid for supplies, Snikkitch will be re-designed and lead a small warband in search of rare artifacts of power. As such, I've picked a bunch from my collection and made up around 90 Renown (100 is the maximum, so still looking around, but the Chaos Spawn will cover that gap until I make a final decision). As such, it will look something like this:

- Snikkitch (Warlock Engineer - General)
- Clanrats with hand weapons x8
- Stormvermin x4
- Rat Ogors x2 (these are my old Mordheim Skryre Rat Ogors, keeping with the theme)
- Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team
- Poisoned Wind Mortar Team

One one hand, it looks like a strong force, but on the other, clearly means I could be overwhelmed by numbers and easily crushed. Who knows? Who cares?

All that said, while I'm placing everything in containers for both easy storage and project categorizing, I notice that I actually had 8 Globadiers and not the 7 that I thought I had. This means I could just get two more and I have the minimum required Battlelines for a Skryre theme force. This would mean that that by removing the two 20 model Clanrant units and the 10 model Stormvermin unit from the list I previously posted, leaving around 290pts. Now I am kinda confused as to what to do with this gap. One idea is to throw in Snikkitch (a warlock engineer), which leaves around 190pts. At this point I'm stumped, not sure if I should add allies, but have come up with several options:

Option A:
-20 Clanrats and a Warpfire Thrower

Option B:
-10 Stormvermin and a Chaos Spawn

Option C:
-3 Jezzails and a Chaos Spawn

Option D:
-Warpfire Thrower, Poisoned Wind Mortar and a Doom-Flayer

Option E:
-Warpfire Thrower and 2 Doom-Flayers

At the moment I feel like I'm leaning towards the options of D and E as I feel both using Skryre Allegiance or Chaos Allegiance abilities would work great with them (something I may get into in a later post). 

As for the other stuff, I think I have all the stuff I need to convert a rather wild looking Huntmarshal, using the old Necromunda 'The Caller' on foot model that was left over from my Skrag the Gatekeeper conversion. Going to try to carve out the mask to get a face in, replace the arms with those from my Archers, green stuff a uniform and bow cover (so I can carve in runes or make it look more like some enchanted branch given to him by the Sylvaneth as a gift). The rat skin head cloak thing could be shown that he hunts the various large creatures there as part of a great hunt and adds to the monster hunt theme of his rules. I'll also re-base the Archers to go with him as well. Beyond that, the rest will have to wait.

I am trying to get containers to store these unfinished projects in so I can better manage myself in this regards. Summer makes life difficult with heat and humidity, which negatively effects both my physical and mental health, plus limits my ability to work on projects. With GW, Malifaux and a collection of other miniatures that need to be done, these separating and storing idea should help me better focus on getting smaller projects done faster.

We'll see how that goes down the long road.

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