Thursday 4 January 2018

Next Vegemite Test....Pie Format.

So I've had various Vegemite related products, like having it in chocolate, in ice-cream etc. So imagine my surprise when I found it in a Pie. Obviously, I just had to check it out and I can now state that it tastes....

...absolutely foul. OK, so it's the Four 'N Twenty brand of pies and it is called 'Beef, Cheese and Vegemite'. Probably should have known better, but you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat (or in this case, good taste). Vegemite has a unique taste and its flavour is something that needs to come out slowly when used in other products. This product, just made me feel sick after the first bite. Beef and cheese is one thing, but the cheese does nothing to hold off the taste as the meat and Vegemite flavour kicks in at the same time.

Have we run this idea into the ground? Have we gone too far this time? I love Vegemite, but this is an excellent example of a good thing finally crossing the line.

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