Saturday 25 July 2015

Delayed Updates

So I should have had some updates on the bases and should have had a couple of models done. Unfortunately, we've had some pretty cold and wet weather here at the moment which has ment that it's taking days for the layers to dry, slowing the whole process right down. As such, I've ordered some resin bases for my Outcasts as I just don't feel like trying to craft their bases from scratch. As for the Outcasts, I have the Viktorias, Taelor, a Student of Conflict, three Ronin, Vanessa and today I got two Convict Gunslingers when I was out getting some Physio (not well at the moment). Hopefully I'll have some stuff up soon, depending on the bases drying and the delivery of the other bases.

I did learn that apparently there is a place in Brisbane where Malifaux is played on Wednesday nights, though it is in a suburb called Annerley, so it means trying to find good public transport there and back. Still, if I can get a few games in and learn enough to confidently play, then that will be worth it.

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