Wednesday 1 July 2015

The problem with plastics

So the plastic mini's arrived today and I was quick to start them. Unfortunately, it seems that their designs are not best for removing. See, while trying to remove each piece from the spur, Rami's gun broke (I was removing the first of three when the second one just snapped). Then there was the problem with attaching the parts. Ophelia's head wouldn't fit in (actually, a few of there heads had trouble, but Ophelia's had consequences) and as a result, the face was damaged and I doubt it's salvageable. I even had purchased new tools to ensure problems like these wouldn't happen and sadly still did. Having double checked the instructions and spurs, I feel that this product was poorly designed and could have been better designed to be put together (I would have made Ophelia's hair as the attachment, not the face). I've put in a request to Wyrd about replacements, but I fear that since this is such a small company (especially when compared to Games-Workshop), that such an option is not available. What I'll do at that point, I simple don't know.

This is a real blow for me and I feel that it's knocked all the steam out, leaving me disappointed with the product.

Update: They responded and as predicted, they don't do replacements for this. Their solution is to go to their trade section of there forum, which is pointless for a problem such as this (no one is selling this sort of stuff). Ebay only has the box set (not separate stuff) and at that cost I'm better off re-purchasing the product from my current supplier, which sadly may be my only option in this regard. Let this be a lesson to those who wish to use these products, they are like paper so be very careful with them, cause Wyrd is incapable of giving a proper service to it's customers for this.

Update 2: Stupid me, was so stressed out about this I completely forgot I could dump it in Dettol and try to remove the glue. Did attempt it this afternoon, but only gave it a short amount of time. Seemed to get some of it off, but it still looks a bit damaged. Will try again tomorrow, but if nothing changes, I still have one back up plan left. The face didn't fit, which means I'll need to use some green stuff to fix it. With that in mind, I may attempt to add an extra wave line or two of hair over the upper head to cover the damage just above the eyes, giving an appearance that the hair is blowing just above/over the eyes. Not very good at sculpting, but at this point what have I too lose. 

Update 3: So, tried to fix the gun and Ophelia's hair. Couldn't get any more extra glue off the damaged face, but then again it could be the colour that is ruining the look and may be fixed with paint. Still not the best with green stuff, but I hope that with some paint the GS will blend into the plastic hair. We'll see in the next week or so.

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