Thursday 9 July 2015

The AoS Slaanesh Problem

So, some of these new leaked images have a number of people in the community in a spin and it's mostly related to this picture:
Notice something? That's right, three of the known Chaos gods symbols are there, but the fourth (Slaanesh) is replaced by a different symbol. So now the question running around is: Is GW getting rid of Slaanesh? I highly doubt that as he's one of GW few controlled names and considering just how protective they are, it would be completely insane to do so. There is mention of a Sigmar group heading off to capture Slaanesh while he was glutting on souls, so perhaps it's more a plot point to introduce stuff later on.

The only other reason could be a complete re-design, though why is the big question. Some suggest that it's because Slaanesh is too sexual and it needs to be more kid friendly, though the guts and gore of Khorne and Nurgle would be a good argument against this theory. Certainly Slaanesh represents excess and as one person pointed out, the corruption of spirit. He certainly represents a selection from the seven deadly sins and is ment to lure the hearts of man to his side by offering them their hearts desires, offering the pleasures of life until that no longer satisfies and that's when his trap is complete. No longer satisfied with the simple things, they then need to go to even more extremes to achieve the same feelings of euphoria and thus, becoming a slave to Slaanesh's will.

Again, this is what happens when you limit release information and one simple leak turns the community into rumoured chaos with little resolution until release and by that point the damage may be too ingrained to fix. Personally, I just like talking about this because others can produce an excellent point of view about what a power like Slaanesh truly represents. Besides, it'll be months before enough lore is release to give us a full picture anyway so why bother speculating.

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