Tuesday 28 July 2015

The future of my miniatures and projects

Since the coming of the Age of Sigmar, it seems all that was old Warhammer is going. The stores are trying to get rid of the old stock for the new waves to come. One might also point out that I've been rather focused on Malifaux lately and that I'm turning away from GW. Another factor has been my health, which hasn't been the best of late. As of writing this, things aren't going very well and as such, this hobby is one of the few things helping me to keep it together.

As for the future, here's the low down of it:

Warhammer/Age of Sigmar:

I will be continuing to do paint/convert miniatures from this line. I still have a number of Old World miniatures left to paint and while my brother has long abandoned the painting challenge, I still have a number of them to still finish off. I've also got an Ikit Claw model ordered cause Skith Warpclaw 2.0 can now commence since the Skaven Warscrolls have Ikit's rules. Better still, my original plans had a warpstone claw and now that Ikit has a claw attack, I can proceed with this joyful project once more.

Also remember that Skaven still exist and no doubt I'll be looking forward to seeing what the new Skaven and Tzeentch models look like. This will be the key to seeing if I'm willing to stay on in this part of my hobby.

Warhammer 40K:

As long as there is creativity, there will be the Inquisition. This band will continue soon as I have both planned Inquisitors converted, they just need painting to be finished. That said, this isn't a major priority on my list of things, though that may change depending on future releases as GW as of late seems to be digging up almost anything and releasing it, so perhaps something cool will get me excited.


Sadly, there aren't easy to obtain and all I have left are the barman and barmaid, along with the Indiana Jones and Lara Croft variants. Hoping to find more, but given that Reaper hasn't done much in a while, I'm not keeping my hopes up.


Blasted GenCon, so many cool miniatures, never enough money. It's safe to say that given my constant plans to start new forces, this game makes it so much easier. If anything, the only faction I'm not looking at playing is Ten Thunders, which is fine since my brother has taken a keen interest in the aesthetics of that faction. That said, I'm also interested in the Crossroads 7, though that may have to wait like many of the rest. Personally, my goals are like this:

The Guild - Lady Justice (though only cause I love the look of the Judge), The Ortegas (cause Wild West) and Lucas McCabe (for a mixed bag).

The Ressurectionists - Nicodem (mostly cause of that whole Goon Show thing) and I love that Rogue Necromancy.

Arcanists - Colette (cause that crew seems much harder to play and I'd love a challenge later on.....plus they look cool).

Neverborn - Zoraida (Cause swamp and tree creatures), Jacob Lynch (not sure, but does seem very Cthulhu about it), The Dreamer (another one I'm not too sure about, but we'll see).

Outcasts - Von Schill (seems more of my style with range), Tara (mostly cause I like the monsters).

Gremlins - Mah Tucket (partly cause she's a melee monster and partly cause Trixiebelle is great as a stratagy character...yeah, that's it..I like her...strategies..nothing else...), Wong (cause I want Macha Roja, wrestling awesomeness).

Ten Thunders - Yeah, so Lucas McCabe will be acting for guild mostly, so I most likely will never focus on this group beyond his starter.

So yeah, that's my plans for up till the end of this year, perhaps into next year. We'll see how things pan out over the next few months. I'm hoping my brother can join me for a few battles and who knows, perhaps I'll record a battle rep or two and see what people think. Having found a place that does play Malifaux, I will hopefully learn how to play the game.

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