Thursday 30 July 2015

Oh God, forgot this still exists.

Every fandom has this, but my god, this is just weird. Their basically horses and possess no human physical structure, I don't get this. I've create characters and stories with animal anthropomorphics, some with romances and couples, but porn was never a part of it.

If you think this is screwed up, you have yet to see what the Internet is capable of. I once did research for a planned article I wanted to write about understanding fandoms. Needless to say, I never got round to doing it and it was more so for the fact that I cannot unseen what was seen. Will this stop me from enjoying being a fan? No, but thanks to that little experience I've become far more wary of what one can find on the Internet. I believe this one was picked out due to it's fandom still being out there, but this type of thing is in all fandoms, so don't pin hate on Bronies just cause this shit exists. Seriously, there are worse problems in the Sonic fandom then MLP has at the moment. Perhaps this is why I get into being a fan and then stay on the outskirts of the fandom, trying to avoid the hate and madness that exsists deep within.

And don't ask what it was I saw back then as I spent many months trying to forget and I will not try to remember for you.

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