Tuesday 29 September 2015

A Conker multiplayer sequel?

Wow.....just wow. This is what happens when good ideas get canned. Yes, I did play Live & Reloaded's multi-player and yes, I had issues with it. The first being no matchmaking and that it relied on people creating games. As a result, I joined many a douche bag games where they were made purely to grief those who entered and got the craps when I refused to put up with their BS (and you know, actually started winning the game). Needless to say, it was those typical Call of Duty tropes with either people aged 12 (who shouldn't have been sold the game) to those who acted like a 12 year old (who shouldn't have been playing the game). Sure Conker has been known for the potty humour, but jeez, we can be adults about having a little friendly competition. Just because the humour is that of a 12 year old, doesn't mean you have to act like one.

Now, with that aside, the concept art looks amazing. I even noticed that the Tediz had a female character, who looks awfully like a panther. This would prove to have an interesting story behind it and with multiple male and female characters, would have proven more popular. This medieval/fantasy setting could have given us some great maps with tones of references, and what better way for Microsoft to pitch DLC by adding more content, mostly cool (or sexy given it's a Conker franchise game) outfits. Hell, throw in a good PC port and that could really go well. New maps could be thrown in and you could even have a competitive tournament play set-up too.

Most companies would probably jump on these ideas, given the current industry, so it seems so weird that this game just wasn't put on hold until the time was right. Instead, Microsoft's interference left the company with such a bad gaming rep that the only good game to have been released in years was in fact, the Rare collection, a collection of games they've already made over the years. As a result of the direction the company was going, a number of big named staff left to form other companies. This is a real shame as there was such a huge amount of possibilities for their franchises, now squandered and left a joke. So sad, particularly since I would have bought this game. Perhaps those former members can find a way to re-acquirer those licences and return some of the glory to those damaged characters.

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