Tuesday 15 September 2015

Australian Politics

Another day, another Prime Minister. Honestly, I don't get what the fuss is all about. I spent years studying the politics of this country cause, believe it or not, I actually wanted to be a politician. I wanted to stand for the people and do the things that most politicians didn't have the guts to do. They are voted to represent the people and it just wasn't happening. And after all that time, what did I learn?

Politics is an old man power game and if you don't do as your told, your out. Even independents have little choice and as someone I know who joined a big party to make changes learned, it destroys your reputation and you have no choice but to obey or your out. Those like myself who would enter for the right to serve the people would end up just serving those at the top.

But let's get back to what is currently going on. People are upset that a party in power can just change a leader and thus, change a Prime Minister. This might seem like a fair point at first glance, until you realise that you don't vote for a Prime Minister, you vote for a party to become the Government. You don't decide who gets what portfolio nor do you get a choice on what policies get made and passed. In essence, you a simply voting for a group of people who you trust will do the right thing by you. The Prime Minister is simply the Governments leading individual, chosen by that party and while he can override certain decisions, he only remains leader while he has enough support.

People say they want democracy, well this is it in full swing. It's only now that some people are realising what is going on. Sure people wanted Tony Abbott to remain leader until the next election, but that's only cause they want to feel like they had the power to throw him out. In this current age, people will complain, but they won't take action. For them, they feel that by the next election (three year period) they'll 'show them' by voting them out.

It's sad that many voters tend to vote this way too, preferring to vote based on who they hate the most instead of, you know, policies and actual achievements. Then again, politics is a nasty business and if it's one thing we hate, it's a bloody wanker, and politics are full of them. As for my stance, Tony Abbott was a dangerous man to have in power and while Malcolm Turnbull isn't the most charismatic politician, he is certainly a much better choice as leader of the Liberal party (also note, I despise the major parties, though I dislike the LNP the most).

As far as the complaints about how much better this would be if we'd gone Republic and used that political system, just remember that Donald Trump is in a good running to be the next US President. Now replace him with Clive Palmer or Gina Rinehart. Let that haunt your nightmares.

As I've said in the past, Mr Squiggle needs to be Prime Minister. At least he's a puppet you can trust.

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