Tuesday 29 September 2015

The dancers have arrived!

So today my Colette crew + 2 boxes of Coryphee (two separate and one to be the duet) arrived. Now comes the hard part, trying to create the right base to put them on. I know I'm just going to do what everyone else does and have a stage floor, but it just really suits the theme. Getting that base however is a lot more harder as there are no resin versions to buy, plasticard strips of the right size are hard to come by and wooden stirrers might not work. Still, plenty of time for that as I still haven't completed my Gremlins, let alone my Outcasts.

As for the game that was planned today, it didn't go ahead. Spent most of our time trying to glue together the Ten Thunders crew and it didn't help that it's instructions were not on Wyrds instructions page. The a big storm was about to hit so he had to go home, so the game fell through. I guess this might give me some time to work more on terrain or Gremlins? I don't know.

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